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Early Years

At Bow Community Primary school, in the Early Years Foundation Stage, the staff work together towards a shared vision of "For Every Child, An Excellent Educational Experience".

We aim for the children in EYFS at Bow Community Primary School to be:

  • Happy, secure and to feel safe
  • Independent, self-assured risk takers
  • Excited and Motivated to learn
  • Socially strong and able to form positive relationships

All staff deeply care about the children in our school. We treat all children as individuals and promote positive relationships and secure bonds. We make it a priority to form close relationships with families and the wider community to promote the best outcomes for all children.

Creating children who are independent, not only in their organisational skills but also in their learning, is a high priority for us. We believe that all children are naturally capable of amazing things and we develop this through having high expectations of all children. We pose challenges, build confidence and self-esteem, show children how capable they are and support them to reach their potential. We take time to teach independence skills explicitly and support children to develop into well-rounded, ambitious learners. Taking risks is an important part of learning and we have developed both our environments and our teaching and learning strategies to promote children measuring and assessing risks for themselves and in having confidence and resilience to attempt challenges.

Excitement and motivation for learning are developed through planning fun, engaging and challenging lessons based on the needs for the children. We follow the fascinations and interests of the children and teaching and learning is fast paced to respond to the changing needs of individuals. We provide new and interesting experiences, building on and adding to the range of activities children will have had at home or through pre-school experience. We make learning purposeful and rooted in real-life contexts, where possible, so that children have motivating reasons to learn and to help them to apply their knowledge to a range of situations.

We set social development at the core of our learning and understand the value of strong and caring relationships, friendship and kindness. Children are encouraged to become well-rounded and sociable through the modelling of positive interactions and language at all times. We spend time getting to know families so that we can celebrate each child as an individual and promote mutual respect, understanding for the diverse cultural backgrounds of others and develop a strong moral ethos in every child.

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