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Our Curriculum

At Bow Community Primary School, we take pride in offering outstanding teaching and learning to all of our pupils. We make learning meaningful, relevant, engaging and memorable. We ensure that our pupils have the best possible opportunity to grow socially, emotionally, physically and academically.

We have taken time to produce a carefully considered and progressive curriculum, which provides both skills and knowledge to ensure that children are inspired by what they learn, are creative in their application and know more, remember more and can do more.

Our curriculum reflects the location of our community so that the work the children do is relevant and purposeful. British Values underpin our curriculum. We work hard to develop responsible citizens who are able to contribute to society.

In order to support this, each term, the class teachers introduce a new Inspirational Person to their classes.  Teachers carefully link their inspirational person to the curriculum topic they are teaching in class. Over the academic year, the children are introduced to a number of inspirational people.

‘Education is not the learning of facts,

but the training of the mind to think’

                                                             A Einstein

Our children are provided with the knowledge and skills to fully participate in an ever-changing world and to be respectful and productive members of the community.

Our curriculum is unique to our school and is designed to meet individual needs and to inspire our pupils. It gives children opportunities to build on their prior learning, make links between their learning and develop new skills, concepts and knowledge. Children are equipped with Tier 2 and Tier 3 vocabulary to support their understanding.

We teach the content as set out in the National Curriculum, which sets out the expectations for learning for each child at each stage of their schooling.

Please find below a link to the National Curriculum: 

National curriculum in England: framework for key stages 1 to 4 - GOV.UK (

 The National Curriculum is composed of:

Core subjects:

  • English
  • Maths
  • Science

Foundation Subjects:

  • Design & Technology
  • Computing
  • History
  • Geography
  • Music
  • Art & Design
  • Physical Education
  • Foreign Languages
  • RSHE
  • Religious Education


Often, at Bow, our history, geography or science topic provides an opportunity to make links to other aspects of the curriculum.  We have decided that most subjects are best taught discretely, but where it lends itself to a thematic approach, this may occur.  These thematic links are most likely to be seen in the following subjects:

  • English
  • Science
  • Geography
  • History
  • Design and Technology
  • Music
  • Art
They are more likely to remain discrete in the following subjects:
  • Languages
  • Computing
  • Maths
  • RSHE
  • Physical Education
  • Religious Education

We ensure that our pupils experience a wide range of activities that allow them to explore different topics and learning styles in detail.

The school follows a rolling programme, which is carefully designed, to ensure that our pupils get the full coverage of the National Curriculum.

Engaging Texts

Each term, all classes at Bow Community Primary School enjoy a high quality, engaging texts, which is read to them by their teacher. We believe access to high quality, engaging texts helps pupils develop their confidence in learning, broadens their vocabulary and supports them in gaining a true love of reading.

‘The more that you read, the more you will know.

The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go’ Dr. Seuss

We have high expectations for all of our pupils. Our curriculum is designed to be remembered, understood in detail, and stored in long-term memory so that it can be later built on. We do this by providing opportunities for pupils to revisit learning and rehearse interleaving techniques to join up their learning. We encourage pupils to use rich vocabulary to explain their understanding and staff ask deeper thinking questions to elicit pupils’ understanding.

We promote curiosity and the belief that the children are challenged to be out of their comfort zone and therefore become more well-rounded individuals with an appreciation of their own talents.

The following documents outline how the skills and knowledge progress in the subjects we deliver.

Please refer to 'Progression documents' for more information on how pupils' skills progress. 

Tell me and I forget.

Teach me and I remember.

Involve me and I learn,’ B Franklin. 


A strong partnership with our parents, carers and community is important to us and we value open and honest communication with all stakeholders. We welcome parental involvement to extend children’s learning outside from the classroom.

We aim to put into practise our equal opportunities policy and make sure that all families feel included in the life of the school. We work hard to engage in a close relationship with our school community and collaborate with local schools, fostering good practise and sharing development opportunities.

As children reach the end of their journey at Bow Community Primary School, we are confident that they will have gained a depth of curriculum knowledge and a love for learning. We aim for children to head into their future with confidence and influence and be successful in whatever path they wish to take.


It is essential that we know that our curriculum is having an impact on our children and that they are progressing and learning as they move through the school.

Subject Curriculum Leaders regularly review the subjects that are being taught and conduct Curriculum Reviews.

This is opportunity to assess the impact on the curriculum and gain a measure of children’s understanding, skills and knowledge. We aim to develop both disciplinary and substantive knowledge through our lessons and hope that our children will grow in confidence to know that they can be, for example, ‘scientists’ artists’ and ‘historians’.

Home Learning 

Bow Community Primary School - Home Learning (